Sunday, January 23, 2005

A Day of Firsts

First 18km of biking for the year. It was +12c today, so got the bike out ant went for a ride through fishcreek. Lot's of wet snow, ice and mush. Yahoo!!! Thank God for studded tires and chinook winds.

First Sunday with Steve and Leslie Wiserman as pastors at the church I'm attending while not church shopping. (yeah I know it's weird) Steve just shared their search over the last year or so for a place to minister and seeking God's will. By the Way I hate sermons that mention seeking God's will and make it sound easy. Steve made it clear that in their case it meant trying on alot of doors and having them slam shut in your face. Steve was honest and real, that means a to me.

Steve and Lori were there as well, and I got to hold Oliver while Steve ate. Another first. Too cool.

- Peace

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